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McHenry County Bicycle Club
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Everybody Rides Presentation

06-05-2022 Everybody Rides Charity 06-05-2022

Everybody Rides Charity Ride 2022

Dan Farster

Road Cleanup in McHenry County

Community Activities

MCBC gives back to our community in a variety of ways. Twice each year, club members gather to do road cleanup along a stretch of McHenry County roads. Our club actively works with the McHenry County Department of Transportation to improve our roads for bicycle traffic. Each issue of our club newsletter includes updates on bicycle advocacy to ensure county roads are safe for riders. 

Our club, with member approval, uses club funds to make donations to support riding in our local communities. MCBC contributes to Rails to Trails, a national non-profit organization whose mission is to create safe outdoor places to walk, bike and be active outdoors. Our club donates to Everybody Rides, an annual fund raiser that benefits Project Mobility and their mission to provide adaptive bikes to those with disabilities.  Club funds have also been used to donate to build a bike stand at a local homeless shelter.